Osteochondrosis often it is a disease of the spinal column, characterized by degenerative changes in the structure of the cartilage disks in the bones of the base. The pathology is manifested primarily by the 30-year period.

The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease can vary, which complicates the process of diagnosis of the subsequent treatment.
A feature of the disease
The cervical spine consists of the vertebrae in the nerve endings. The pain in the same area of the back is caused by degeneration of the intervertebral nucleus. When it is run on the pathology of the affected nerves are in the important blood are to be found.
The disease is a well-hidden as the other disorder, because the symptoms of osteoarthritis, as characterized by attacks of headaches, as well as a significant pain in the neck. Patients will complain about difficulties with pressure in a disadvantage. Often, many people confuse these symptoms with the diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Often running in the background of the problems, and the patient begins to rapidly lose consciousness, there is shortness of breath in a numbness of the tongue. In particular a disease which is commonly diagnosed to people under the age of 30 years and, as a result of constant dynamic in the static load. Such violations occur in teenagers.
The rate of development of the
The symptoms in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease depend largely on the degree of development of the disease. In the first stage, the disturbance of the nutrition of the cartilage tissue, resulting in the production of a certain enzyme which is the effect characterized by a harmful. A person who feels very uncomfortable. To get rid of these symptoms occur, will help you each and every day in the morning to exercise.
In a second step, the damaging of a pathological matter the effect of which is increasing steadily, the body begins to develop inflammation of the joint. The cartilage gradually wears away, causing the vertebral joints begin to touch, zadamlya the nerve endings. Painful sensations become more and more pronounced. Person it becomes very difficult to work with.
The third phase begins to form tumors, the growths bone the tissue. The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, in this case, the share is in the form of severe pain. It is a violation of the metabolism of the spine of the formation of inflammation, starting to be deposited sol. Begin the process of ossification of the vertebrae, which leads to the gradual development of a herniated disc.

It is not always possible to instantly find out what the disease is in the phase relation of the neck of the of the available of the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, as the rate of destruction of the tissue, it may not fit with the available evidence.
The causes of the
Prior to the definition of symptoms and in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, you need to understand exactly what are the factors affecting the formation of the pathological process. The development of the disease impact of pathological into physiological processes which are closely inter-related and, therefore, in the main, be considered in the aggregate.
The physiological changes can be triggered by irreversible aging processes in the cartilage. The discomfort occurs when the irritation of the nerve endings. Pathological there are changes as a result of improper diet, in the sedentary life-style. In particular, these of the disease both in young people in middle aged men.
In some cases, lower back pain, you are calling from a ban to which it can be manifested in the form of a short-term disruption. One of the precipitating factors, you will need the following:
- the lack of regular physical activity;
- weight;
- common to stay in an uncomfortable position;
- improper use of a pillow or cushion;
- the nerve and strain;
- hypothermia;
- an injury to the head in the neck.
The reason for the development of degenerative diseases of the disc, a congenital abnormality may be, but also the different types of autoimmune disease.
The main symptoms of the

The neck has a lot of blood vessels in the nerve endings. That is the reason why the degenerative disc symptoms in the diseases of the cervical thoracic is associated with ischemia of the individual brain regions. In addition to this, the nerves that allow the motor activity to the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle the upper limbs, blown up when it is compressed vertebrae can cause a variety of symptoms. The symptoms in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease depend largely on the system of which it is the disease of the affected by the process. One can distinguish the following features:
- violation of the microcirculation is the squeezing of the blood to the vertebral artery.
- signs of a lesion of the optic nerve;
- a severe neurotic pathology, in cases of severe.
The first symptom of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis is the presence of painful sensations in the neck, the back, on the head, in the neck region. The localisation of the pain, so that you can be more detailed, which causes severe migraines. The nature of the pain vary greatly depending on the severity of the injury, in the course of the disease. In the early stages of the disease the discomfort, it can quickly take place, gradually, the pain becomes chronic, and the pain is in the wild. Acute pain In a period of the game is to increase the tone of the muscles of the neck, in the limited head movement.
Among the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in women and in men, it can distinguish the presence of a ringing noise in the ears, also in a nasal. In some cases, have a hearing impairment. All of these symptoms as related to a reduction in blood flow.
Also among the top features of both of the following:
- dizziness,
- the pressure drop
- the lack of air
- nausea,
- blurred vision.
Vertigo is considered to be one of the symptoms of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis. They are caused by the flow of blood to do one of the organs, which provides a balance of the body. The lack of air, the pride may be due to irritation of nerve endings, which, thus, have been involved in the regulation of the breath. The patients complain often that they can't breathe. In some cases, the symptoms of severe shortness of breath or asthma attacks.
The lack of oxygen associated with respiration is the main cause of increased fatigue, decreased attention, problems with memory. In some cases, you may need to have a drawback, which is caused by the poor circulation of certain parts of the brain. It may be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of body weight.
The symptoms of degenerative disc diseases of the cervical spine as evident in the deterioration of visual acuity. However, this is a violation happens very rarely. It should be Noted, however, that the execution of the therapeutic exercises in the glasses does not give the desired result to be achieved, the vision may improve after treatment of degenerative diseases of the disc.

Unstable at a pressure that is a result of poor blood circulation in the area of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vascular-motor centre. In some cases, it can be a slight increase in the local temperature of the redness of the skin.
It is important to recognize the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease. The discomfort of the pain that occurs is not always, therefore, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive major in professional treatment. It should be noted, however, that any patient of the crunch in the sound of the clicks when moving the neck, it is on the basis of this, it is possible to identify the course of the disease.
If there is no problems, cervical degenerative disc disease treatment should be immediately started, thus it is best that you consult with a neurologist. The reason to Specify an existing sign shall be required for the comprehensive major.
During the inspection, which is carried out by the neurological of a text, the doctor assesses the degree of mobility of the pain in the neck, especially in the marine environment and the circulation of the vertebral artery. The main method During the diagnosis is to highlight the need for the following:
- radiography of the cervical vertebrae,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- ultrasonic dopplerography.
All of that, it will be possible to determine the degree of the localization of the damage of neglect of the disease in the to choose the most efficient scheme of treatment of. The treatment process is very long in the requires patience.
To recover the whole of the cartilage is impossible, the structure of it, but it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life in order to get rid of chronic back pain. It is very important to track the progress of the disease, if necessary, adjust the treatment program, in the to foresee any possible improvements or problems.
The peculiarity of the treatment
Regardless of the presence of symptoms the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, which is carried out with the use of the methods of the conservative, so it is always different. It requires the use of a drug, in particular, to:
- anti-inflammatory drugs,
- analgesics,
- corticosteroids,
- muscle relaxants,
- vitamin.

Severe cases may prescribe procaine blockade in the area of maximum pain. At times, it can appear to the introduction of the hormonal methods. In addition, it is shown in the local treatment includes the use of the heating of the grease in the gels. However, the effect of a Good physiotherapy in therapeutic exercise. These techniques allow you to very quickly in a efficient manner, for the strengthening of the muscles of the neck. However, their use is possible only after a decrease in the acute period of time.
To increase the space between the vertebrae is shown the hardware, the stretching of the spine. In cases of severe need of surgical intervention, but it would have been necessary, with the relevant evidence.
The therapy can be complemented by wearing orthopedic collar of the Trench. Due to the strong fixation of the cervical vertebrae in the treatment of the lots is done at a faster pace. This device will allow you to quickly deal with the painful feelings, to normalize the blood circulation in the neck, in improving the general health of the patient.
Drug therapy
On the neck of the symptoms of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis treatment of the medicines are prepared individually. The therapy aims to eliminate painful sensations, inflammation of the joint to return to its normal mobility of the vertebral joints in the blood stream.
Among the major groups of drugs, as follows:
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxants — relaxes muscles of the it is used as an auxiliary medium to eliminate the pain;
- vitamin.
The media to an external Request for the application, which can be used in the form of an ointment, in the gels. Have a Good the effect of the "Nurofen" in "Voltaren". Can help normalize blood circulation, eliminate the pain of the contractions, and in giving effect to the warming.
It will help to eliminate the symptoms of the cervical osteochondrosis treatment in the normalisation of the brain of maritime studies and transport. For the improvement of the metabolic processes in the brain, and recovery, as well as the memory of the mind requires a nootropic drugs.
Physiotherapy techniques
Fast effective help to eliminate the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home through the use of a specific therapeutic exercises. In addition to physical therapy the use of drugs, the scope of activities includes the following methods

- the stretching of the spine
- massage,
- physiotherapeutic effect.
Stretching the spine will help to increase the spaces between the vertebrae. However, keep in mind that the burden needs to be assessed. The impact of the implemented in a variety of ways, in particular through the use of special tables.
Very good, gives the results of the massage. This procedure normalizes the blood circulation, nutrition of the exchange of gases in cartilaginous tissue. In addition, with the help of a massage can eliminate muscle tension and cramping, to get rid of painful sensations.
Physiotherapeutic effect involves the use of a variety of tools, such as:
- laser treatment
- the magnetic field of the
- ultrasound,
- the low-frequency current.
In some cases, it is also used as a medication in combination with physiotherapy impact, their efficiency increases, in the prevent unwanted side effects.
Acupuncture allows you to learn more, or reinforce the slowing down of the processes in the body, due to the impact on biologically active points. To maximum the effectiveness of these measures it is achieved when a complex application.
The Folk of the method
If you are experiencing the first symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home involves the treatment of a bath to use, which will allow you to quickly eliminate the pain in the inflammation of the joint. In addition, it promotes the release of the spine. The water has to be carried out in a single day, the course is a treatment of 15-20 routines.
In a water bath, you can add it iz mint decoction, chamomile, birch, lemon balm, or sage. The intake Of a good an infusion of yarrow, as it helps to quickly eliminate the inflammation, the pain of the cramps. As a compress, you can use a solution of sea salt. This will help to eliminate the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home, but before you use any of the media, in the method, is necessary to consult with your doctor to prevent any complications.

The best way to prevent that is a sane way of life, as well as the creation of attitude in the child. With a view to the protection, it is advisable to:
- the strength of the adjustment.
- the use of the orthopedic cushions in the cushion for sleeping;
- the smooth lifting.
The initial form of the disease, in particular having expressed symptoms to. If you have any need for any kind of pain in the whining, sign the sternum should immediately talk to your doctor.